Acute Myositis with Myoglobinuria

  • Iype Mary Government Medical College. Trivandrum.
  • Radhakrishnan Neelima Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute of Medical Sciences & Technology
  • Ahamed M Shahanaz Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute of Medical Sciences & Technology.
  • N S Radhakrishnan Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute of Medical Sciences & Technology.
  • V H Sankar Government Medical College, Trivandrum
  • VV Radhakrishnan Government Medical College, Trivandrum
Keywords: Immunoglobulin, Myoglobinuria


Myositis is inflammation of a voluntary muscle, with muscle pain, tenderness, swelling, and or weakness. The causes of Myositis include infection and autoimmune conditions. We report here two male children from neighbouring districts of South India, who presented three weeks apart, with persistent Myositis and myoglobinuria of subacute onset. The near simultaneous presentation and the non specific vacuolar changes on muscle histopathology made an infective etiology likely. Both the cases recovered completely with Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIg), leaving no residual disease and no renal involvement in spite of gross myoglobinuria. The cases are noteworthy as no published literature on non immune Myositis that recovered completely with IVIg could be located. This report is evidence to show that Myositis can be non self limiting and disabling, unless given specific treatment.

Author Biographies

Iype Mary, Government Medical College. Trivandrum.

Department of Paediatric Neurology

Radhakrishnan Neelima, Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute of Medical Sciences & Technology

Department of Pathology

Ahamed M Shahanaz, Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute of Medical Sciences & Technology.

Department of Pathology

N S Radhakrishnan, Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute of Medical Sciences & Technology.

Department of Pathology

V H Sankar, Government Medical College, Trivandrum

Department of Paediatrics, Government Medical College, Trivandrum 

VV Radhakrishnan, Government Medical College, Trivandrum

Department of Paediatrics

How to Cite
Mary, I., Neelima, R., Shahanaz, A., Radhakrishnan, N., Sankar, V., & Radhakrishnan, V. (2012). Acute Myositis with Myoglobinuria. Kerala Medical Journal, 5(4), 97-99.
Case Series / Case Report