Two cases of Hereditary Nephritis

  • U Sandeep Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore.
  • G Vasanth Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore
  • K Arul Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore
  • Ganesha Moorthy Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore
  • Ravi Kumar Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore
  • Isaac Christian Moses Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore
  • A Prabhakaran Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore
  • . Veerakesary Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore
Keywords: Alport’s syndrome, Hereditary nephritis


ALPORTS SYNDROME is a rare inherited progressive form of glomerular disease with deafness and ocular abnormalities.1 It is the second commonest genetic cause of renal failure. Thin basement membrane disease is thought to be underlying disease in 25% of patients with microscopic proteinuria.2 We hereby report two cases of Alport’s syndrome in siblings.
Two brothers of 18 & 23 years were admitted with complaints of decreased urine output, swelling of both legs of one month

Author Biographies

U Sandeep, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore.

Department of Pediatrics

G Vasanth, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore

Department of Pediatrics

K Arul, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore

Department of Pediatrics

Ganesha Moorthy, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore

Department of Pediatrics

Ravi Kumar, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore

Department of Pediatrics

Isaac Christian Moses, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore

Department of Pediatrics

A Prabhakaran, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore

Department of Pediatrics

. Veerakesary, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore

Department of Pediatrics

How to Cite
Sandeep, U., Vasanth, G., Arul, K., Moorthy, G., Kumar, R., Moses, I., Prabhakaran, A., & Veerakesary, . (2012). Two cases of Hereditary Nephritis. Kerala Medical Journal, 5(4), 100-102.
Case Series / Case Report