A Pathological Surprise in the Urinary Bladder

  • Vivek Sharma Trivandrum Medical College
  • S Vasudevan Trivandrum Medical College
  • G Krishna Trivandrum Medical College
Keywords: Paraganglioma Urinary Bladder, Asymptomatic, Soft Tissue Tumours Urinary Bladder


Though urothelial tumours form a majority of Urinary Bladder neoplasms, occasional surprises do occur. Some of these do not have a characteristic presentation. They may be detected incidentally. Here we present a case of bladder paraganglioma which did not have the characteristic symptoms and signs of catecholamine excess. Hence the final pathological diagnosis was a pathological surprise.

Author Biographies

Vivek Sharma, Trivandrum Medical College

Senior Resident, Department of Urology

S Vasudevan, Trivandrum Medical College

Professor, Department of Urology

G Krishna, Trivandrum Medical College

Professor of Pathology, Department of Urology

How to Cite
Sharma, V., Vasudevan, S., & Krishna, G. (2016). A Pathological Surprise in the Urinary Bladder. Kerala Medical Journal, 9(4), 174-176. https://doi.org/10.52314/kmj.2016.v9i4.432
Case Series / Case Report